It is migration season, the birds are heading south, seeking warmer weather to regroup, gather and connect…if you know what I mean.  Though I am not leaving town, I am doing the same, some sort of internal migration inwards.  The tomatoes are canned, the seeds saved and now I can look beyond what is right on front of me, screaming for my attention.   I see the more quiet, still sides of myself that haven’t gotten as much attention lately, my inner thoughts and processes.   My bird friends are here to remind me; rise high, seek the big picture and always keep moving.  Just this weekend I saw a beautiful golden eagle on a cross, a Western screech-owl on my lane as the full moon rose and a huge flock of Sandhill cranes heading south, dancing together in the sky above Ojo Caliente.  The birds always lift up my vision, help raise my focus and remind me, to not lose sight of myself in the busy mix of life.

Golden Eagle on a cross overlooking Chimayo, NM

Golden Eagle on a cross overlooking Chimayo, NM

As I do this settling in, there is a simultaneous kind of taking flight.  In this quiet, I have chosen to write more, in fact this post will be #100 on my blog since it’s inception 2 years ago.  It has been a humble effort, sporadic and random at times, but really a great creative outlet as a stay at home mom, gardener, maker and thinker.  I have reached a few folks and even gained a fan or two and just last week this little blog of mine got ‘picked up’.   Have you heard of Peggy O’Mara, she was the editor and publisher of Mothering Magazine based right here in little Santa Fe for 21 years!!  The very month I got pregnant Mothering published their last issue and went online to which Peggy founded.  Luckily and friend gave me her stack of well-loved issues and I devoured them throughout my pregnancy.  I still have them and hope I will read again sometime during my mothering journey. Recently Peggy started her own site called Peggy O’ which is a beautifully curated collection Family, Health and Justice articles from writers all over the country.  Recently a friend (thanks Kathleen) connected us and Peggy asked me to write for her sight!  It is a humble little step, but exciting to be connecting with a wider web of community.  Check out her site, it is well worth the trip, and Thanks Peggy!!

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes

So happy 100 posts to Seeds and Stones and a heartfelt thank you to all of you who have read my words and supported me along the way.  Now that I have a moment to pause, where or where to begin with my huge pile of ideas?  Who knows, but so glad to have your company along the way.