I must admit, the older I get, the more I enjoy, or enjoy again, the holidays.  The glory kind of faded in my teens and twenties, when the consumerism and commercialism became so distasteful to me I simply couldn’t take it anymore.  I couldn’t tolerate much of this culture then, come to think of it!  A little older now and a bit less righteous, I feel myself softening into my being & the wonder of the world again.  I still am deeply annoyed at what our fine country let’s pass for Holy days, but I find my own way rather than trying to change everyone else’s.  Having a little creature to tend, who is not only magical himself, but completely and totally impressed with the whole world, helps the wonder seep into every moment.  IMG_2180

In creating our own family rituals, this season is starting to come alive again, I even look forward to it.  Re-claiming is always liberating but the deeper I look, the more I see the depth, symbolism and opportunity in what these winter holidays bring.  Laying things to rest, being still in the darkness, and of course bringing in light to illuminate all this darkness.


Sometimes the magic just happens, the world around turns white, sparkles so bright no one can resist the joy and delight of the season.


Other times, the ever magical world looks simply, full, overwhelming even bleak.  I am learning, with my little one watching closely, that it is in those moments most of all that we must create the magic ourselves.  Sledding, songs, even the simplest lighting of a candle can calm the heart and make the mundane perfectly magical.  So here’s to you and yours making and witnessing the magic that is the essence of this season.
