Wildflower Parent and Child Classes

As a Waldorf inspired parent of thirteen years and Waldorf Preschool and Parent and Child lead teacher, Erin has cultivated and curated her own style of working with daily rhythms, seasonal symbolism, crafts, songs, stories, and sweetness to share with families of young children.

Soul Skills Series from Growing Home is a collection of workshops dreamed up during the long incubation and deep quiet of 2020-2021. It is an answer to the call for a return- to each other, to our deepest selves, and to the skills that craft a connected life. In this curated series we will be calling upon the gifts of many talented artists, song carriers, plant people, and storytellers to share their gifts and weave us into the web of community. They will offer hands on experiences that kindle our connected fire and lift our hearts. By learning crafts, songs, stories, how to sow seeds and weave reeds together we are re-membering our ancestral selves while simultaneously summoning our future souls. We can begin reweaving the world through nurturing our capacities to create and cultivate life and beauty together.

The Wildflower classes are designed for children 1 month to 5 years old and their caregivers who are seeking experiences that nourish the senses and warm the soul by taking in the breath of the nature & community together. With indoor and outdoor time, we weave in activities common to Waldorf early childhood programs beginning with a morning circle time, snack, story and crafts, as well as nature play. Both adult and child are nurtured by the joy of community, creativity, and connection that will enrich the soul and support life at home and beyond.

Wildflower Babies – Ages 1 month to 12months
Wildflower Buds – Ages 1 year to 3 years
Wildflower Blossoms – Ages 3 years to 5 years

Please contact Erin for more info about Current Wildflower Classes: eringrowinghome@gmail.com.