It has been a full season of abundance


Ovens christened, food harvested, cooked and eaten IMG_5513

Candles dipped on the loveliest of autumn afternoons with dear friends to light the way aheadIMG_5568 IMG_5621 IMG_5622   Outings up and away into the golden mountain light

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So much goodness, so very grateful….. but I must admit, I was happy to see old Jack frost come.  I know I shouldn’t really admit it, but I smiled deeply the morning I saw the tomatoes curling in from cold and snuggled back into bed to savor the shift that had finally come.  You see, all the abundance equals a lot of work and when you do most of it yourself you know how much stamina and discipline it takes to stay home and chop and can and freeze in what feels like every free moment of September when it feel like the whole world is festinating without you! IMG_6175

So I say welcome green tomatoes, I have no idea what I will do with you all, but at least I got more red than green and the crop was fantastic this year! IMG_6173

I pull the tender house plants inside, I tidy the outdoor kitchen and tuck the canned good away. IMG_6172

I breath a deep sigh and say thank you for all the fullness I asked for and received this season and I can say it was well enough, for this little mama. IMG_6174

And we are not left barren and bare post frost, oh no in fact the fall garden looks quite perky due to a big mid summer bed turning push by the old hubby and some serious seeding on my part!!  And now the fresh food gives us promise of vitamins for many moons ahead, which turns out I will need.   Though I head into this season of senescence, and the work of the outer world may feel like it is pairing down, the internal work is just beginning…. IMG_5703

for another life is brewing to be born to us in the months ahead!IMG_6210

May this seasons abundance nourish us all well into the next season ahead!