My flower garden is in full glory right now, humble compared to most, but so inspiring to me.  I am not the first human to be inspired by flowers, I believe almost all of us our.  How could one resist such splendor, color, scent, symmetry… Some paint flowers, others weave words about them….I spent most of Monday trying to mirror the soft peaches and light greens of the roses in my jewelry making, attempting in my own way to mimic them, to be guided by them, to honor them in their perfect beauty…..

The sweetest smelling soft country roses outside my front door

This is what I came up with

These danglys

And this to match

Pink and green!! Love this combo

And this

Rose buds on a chain

On our walk I feel in love with the wild sweet peas, fushia, light green and white…….I guess that is the essence of my creative process, not something I write about often, or even know how to put into words.  It is much more an experience of beauty that guides my hands and imagination….Hmmmmm what will I make today?

Light through the sweet peas