The first light of Advent is the light of stone–. Light that lives in crystals, seashells, and bones.-Rudolf Steiner IMG_3606 I am new to the whole journey of advent myself.  As a child we had much anticipation towards Christmas, eating a candy cane every night of December thanks to our advent calendar.  There were some beautiful candle lighting ceremonies in our Quaker Meeting, but I have much to learn about the ceremonies of the season of darkness and light in my adulthood.  Though I do let myself be guided and love when synchroniscities illuminate my way. IMG_6492 I couldn’t decided tonight weather to go out to the studio to work with my magical collection of gem stones or to make medicinal jewelry for my up coming Holiday Sale, or weather to do a little research on how to celebrate advent in our home…I choose being horizontal with research and was pleasantly surprised to find out that advent begins tomorrow, with of course the Mineral Kingdom. IMG_6510 For the first week of Advent the world of stones shall be honored and praised for it’s gifts bestowed upon us, what a beautiful gesture that the rocks, mountains and sands we all stand upon every single day of our lives shall get a whole week of attention in many families homes & hearts, not to mention and ton of attention from me. IMG_6320 Just knowing this will just give my week more depth and meaning, as I plan to spend every evening I can working with the minerals so I can have a bountiful array of jewels to offer at this years Waldorf School Winter Faire.   Working with stones is one of my favorite, introspective and truly magical interests, but alas does not get much of my time since mothering got added to my job title list.  But once a year, around this time, As I lay the gardeners to bed I immediately jump from inside to out, day to night and start working little a little elf for Holiday Sales. IMG_6512 I discovered the Waldorf Winter Faire last year and was so well received by friends and kin that now I see no need to do any other.  You see, amid many different family fun festivities there is a humble little craft sale put on as a fund raiser for this wonderful school in our community, that I am learning to appreciate and connect with more and more.   While kids play and community connects mamas and men, guys and girls alike, can sneak away and do some serious Holiday purchasing.  Though it is small it if full of amazing artisans and promises many beautiful handmade gifts for the gathering, all from local artists which really makes the the meaning of connection potent in the gifts given. IMG_6514 So for the ONE and ONLY Desert Diosa Jewelry Sale of 2014 come see me next Saturday Dec 6th at the Santa Fe Waldorf School Winter Faire and celebrate with me the Light of the Stone.