Mountains top poppies

If you have ever read this blog, or know me at all you know of my love of for the wild and cultivated world of nature.  Growing things is not just a hobby but a necessity for me…and it seems most of Vermont as well.  Gardens are present in almost every backyard I have glimpsed, farm stands abound brimming over with maple syrup, berries, cheeses, produce and flowers and even the garden centers are places I would spread a picnic blanket under a tree spend the afternoon.

Rolling green lawns of Rocky Dale Gardens

Yes, I must admit, gardening here is”Easier” here in than in the high desert, things do just grow, seemingly overnight, on their own, with little help from the gardeners. But when I get pining for greener pastures I just remind myself that the weeds & pests also abound here and tackling those critters large and small are the work of the gardeners, often making it controlling opposed to coaxing.

Peeking over a backyard garden gate

Never the less the gardens are a sight to behold and as the perpetual garden tourist, I have spent a large portion of this vacation visiting as many plots as I can, and it hasn’t been hard.  The beauty of garden tourism is that is it mostly free and full of appreciation for people’s kind action and kinship with their land, and if you do end up spending money it is usually to feed your family and goes straight to the farmers hard working hands.  So far we have gotten at least a daily fix of garden tourism and here are the highlights.

Peas taller than Joel!!!

First day I noticed a flyer for the Localvores Garden Tour, which happened to be at a friend’s house, so we drove on over the see these awesome raised beds full of abundant produce loving gardened by the careful hands of an English couple.

Robin and Jenny Share their garden secrets

What a welcome, these crops were just glowing with life and love, we could have stayed for hours just chatting about garden secrets and techniques.

The rain sprinkled down and made everything all the more alive.

Garlic -I asked if they remove the scaps or not, as it has been on my mind this season.  Jenny answered quick as a whip, “Well of course, it may not affect the size of the bulb, but it gives you twice the yield, one harvest above and one below, so the question really is, why not!!

Next we made a special trip up to another county to see Rosemary Gladstar’s Sage Mountain Herb School and gardens. 

She has written many books on herbalism, so much of her herbal wisdom and wonderful recipes helped me through my pregnancy and continue to every day.  We made it a little homage to the medicines that so generously heal us and it was a delight to see them all growing together, emanating their healing songs on the sunny summer day.

Jaengus meets Arnica (growing above violets), friends and allies from day one

This place was amazingly alive and vibrant, I was so glad to be able to share it with my family

Herbal Interns working the hillsides of Sage Mountain

Next the greenhouses…

Von Trapp Greenhouses is just a walk away from us, is an amazingly beautiful hilltop farm with ornamental greenhouses with incredible gardens looking over the valley.

Millions of flowers in bloom and an incredible view of the Mad River Valley

The other greenhouse/ demo garden was Rocky Dale Gardens, nestled on a mountainside offered another beautiful spot to hang and smell the flowers

Borage with Calendula and Poppies

Oh and the farm stands…..

Gaylord Farm

There is Kingsburys which is a farm/ food bank collaboration, there is the Gaylord Farm, a farming family for generations, there is Hartsorns full of flowers and fruit, and there is Knoll Farm where we picked 7 quarts of organic blueberries and bought lambs wool from Icelandic sheep

Bucket of Blue

…I could go on, but I think the Vermont Tourism Dept should start paying me, though we know they don’t need my help, Summer in Vermont speaks for itself!!