Ahhh- Saturday morning, fresh scent of rain in the crisp air, flowers bursting to greet me and welcome me back into the folds of my little homestead after a long week of putting my attention elsewhere….


You see, I spent the week with the ninth grade of the Santa Fe Waldorf School teaching what is know as farm week.  A week spent on digging into our food systems with our mind and bodies was truly wonderful way to spend a week for all of us.  We talked about food, farming and life on the land.  We traveled to my very favorite farms in northern New Mexico and got to witness the highs and lows of what it really means to be directly dependent to your own food supply.


As I sit here reading the essays and evaluating the student work, I am getting a true glimpse into what seeped in through those muddy hands and sunburned cheeks.  One of the true wonders of being a teacher is experiencing the mystery of what penetrates each mind you meet.  I am still letting myself steep in the week, enjoying a quiet house, a blooming garden and a pause to breath in and make room for what this luscious rainstorm  and abundant spring may bring.

Our Week in Pictures


DAY 1Mr. G and his oh so organized farm!


Day 2-Picking Chamomile and gathering eggs at Gaia Gardens



Day 3-From milk to cheese at the Permaculture Institute



Day 4-The miracle of goat birth and the cycles of life at Fat Duck Farm



Day 5– Completing the circle from Field to Fork- greens picked at SFFC Garden and sold to Joe’s Dining where we got our greens served back to us!






Thanks to all the Farmers who made our week wonderful and who make our high desert food system so bountiful!